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Who Am I?

Monday, August 18, 2014

Hi everyone!
Today I am linking up with Blog Hoppin for "Who Monday".

I wanted to share some things about myself that you might not know.
Here is a picture of me from a few weeks ago in Venice, Italy. 
I love to travel! I have been to Italy twice and it is amazing, I also LOVE cruising.

I have the cutest 12 year old chocolate lab ever. He is pretty much blind now, ignore his eyes in this picture; I promise they don't look like this in real life!

Although I am still in college, this will be my ninth year working in a kindergarten classroom. I am so lucky that my mom is an amazing kindergarten teacher, I learned so much from her and she lets me help her with stuff for school both at home and in school.
Here is a picture of my mom and I.
My mom is starting a teaching blog as well. Click here to see her new blog.

Here are ten things about me.

If you have a blog and participated in "Who Monday", add your link in the comments so that I can read all about you! If you don't have a blog, leave a fun fact about yourself in the comments.

1 comment:

  1. Nice to meet another kindergarten teacher. Hope you have a fantastic year!

